Learning Styles

Learning Styles simply refers to the way people prefer to absorb new information. The concept is simple but it can have dramatic effects on learning something new. Did you ever wonder at school why you just didn't 'get' something? It could have been because you weren't explained it in the way that your brain likes to absorb information best. This information is really useful to know when it comes to learning and developing a new skill. Knowing your learning style can speed up your learning process, making the task of learning a new skill easier and less frustrating.

What are the different learning styles?

There are four different learning styles:

  • Reading (text, words, books, etc.)

  • Visual (videos, pictures, diragrams, etc.)

  • Auditory (listening to instructions)

  • Kinesthetic (DIY, learning by doing)

know your learning style = learn to play the guitar or bass faster!

It is important to note that people aren't 100% one style, the learning styles quiz helps you identify which style(s) you prefer to learn in and this information can be taken into account when planning your lessons.